This decision follows a recent deadly heatwave that swept across Thailand and Asia, elevating temperatures to...
The first flare occurred on May 2 was an X-class flare meaning it is of the most powerful category, the report said...
Along with temperature and humidity, it will integrate other parameters such as wind and duration. It will be an...
There is no doubt that we will have to face extreme heat in the coming years if we do not act with adequate planning....
Unseasonal rains in March also raised the risk of crop prices increasing because they damaged wheat, mustard, and onion.
"The fraction of the total population and urban area exposed to sequential extremes will increase rapidly if the global...
Delhi: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted that a heatwave is likely to abate over Delhi...
In an effort to prepare for the possible onset of heat wave conditions in Bihar, state chief minister Nitish Kumar has...
As per a study conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the University of Bern within...
The deadly heat waves occurring in India are linked to the increasing temperatures in the Arctic region due to global...