Superbug is the name given to bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi that have developed a resistance to one or more of...
The evidence derived from these systematic reviews and meta-analyses will be systematically assessed for its strength by...
The Bacterial Priority Pathogens List (BPPL) 2024 features 15 families of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are grouped...
Internal organs such as the kidney, liver, and nervous system suffer the most due to irrational antibiotic usage, warn...
Zosurabalpin defeated the existing antibiotic resistance mechanisms of the highly drug-resistant strains of Crab in...
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are produced due to the unregulated use of antibiotics.
The most seriously affected regions are in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, including neighbouring Indonesia and the...
Previous research indicates 90 per cent of the world’s population, or 7.3 billion people, are directly exposed to unsafe...
London: For the first time, scientists demonstrated that globally the association between antibiotic consumption and...
Everything from toothpaste and shampoo to cow's milk and wastewater contains disinfectants, antiseptics, and antibiotics...
"Antimicrobial resistance undermines modern medicine and puts millions of lives at risk," said WHO Director-General...
Sydney: Early-life exposure to antibiotics has long-lasting impacts on the neurological system and can cause...
New York: A study led by a team of US based researchers have revealed that COVID-19 first wave led to overuse of...