Anaemia affected nearly 2 billion people in 2021, a study covering three decades of global anaemia data (1990–2021)...
"A few months ago, in Sri Lanka, she already looked exhausted, with swollen legs oozing lymph... When I saw her in...
Speaking in the assembly, the CM said that strict measures are being taken to tackle dengue and warned private hospitals...
With stage 3 cancer, Wadhwa suffered severe damage to his mouth tissues, leaving him unable to open his mouth. Max Super...
Four to five minutes of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity or 'VILPA' was associated with a substantially...
Now a study published in eClinicalMedicine in UK says that people having covid symptoms for 12 weeks are found to have...
The fine for households where mosquito breeding is found has been raised to Rs 1,000, while commercial establishments...
The doctor has been charged under IPC sections 336, 337, 338 (causing grievous hurt by act endangering life or personal...
The normal ageing process is accompanied by a decrease in certain cognitive abilities, such as processing speed and...
The total number of dengue fever cases in the country has reached 37,688 since January 2023
To slow down the progression of HIV into AIDS, this study proposes the restoration of gut health as the main treatment...
Cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and flexibility are the most important components of fitness. And each can be...
Patients who had COVID-19 symptoms persisting for 12 weeks were found to suffer the most severe effects on memory,...
The researchers developed a two-part study investigating the link between omega-3 fatty acid levels in the blood and...