Toddler in China falls out of moving car in a viral video

New Delhi: Shocking many on internet, a video from China shows a toddler falling out of a moving car.

The driver would not stop the car to pick the baby up, making many think whether the baby was pushed out of the car on purpose.

The video is believed to have emerged from a street in China's Ningbo where a car was seen slowing down at a traffic point.

The video captured by CCTV shows a baby leaning out of a car window before falling out on the busy street.

The baby began to cry out loud when the driver pulled away without a care in the world.

People rushed to the help of baby and the toddler, according to the South China Morning Post, was taken to a local hospital.

The baby miraculously survived the fall sustaining only a minor injuries.

Many on the internet doubt it was an accident believing that somebody pushed the baby out of the window.

One user reportedly said that at close look the baby was pushed out of the window not slipped out.

Despite the baby crying and kicking its legs out in the street, the car was not stopped.
