The oldest tandem parachute jumper is a 103-year-old woman

New Delhi: The most a 100-year-old can do by way of moving is to ambulate with a walker.

The 103-year-old Rut Larsson from Sweden pulled off the unimaginable for her age, by completing a tandem parachute jump, becoming the world's oldest person do so on May 29.

Larsson made it along with parachutist Joackim Johansson as her friends and relatives waited her to see her landing.

Yes, she landed successfully to the cheerful applause of them.

A beaming Larsson told media that it was wonderful to do the jump, which she had been thinking for long.

The centenarian would celebrate the win with some cake at home.

After the video of her jump went viral, Guinness World Records' official twitter account shared it.

One user on Twitter called Larsson the epitome of the 20 th century while congratulating her.

Larsson who is now aged 103 years and 259 days breached the 2017 record held by Alfred "Al" Blaschke aged 103 years and 181 days at the time.

It seems old people are not ready to give up. A group of 60-year-olds set a world record by skydiving together in South California.

They jumped from the height of 18,000 feet creating a web formation in the air.
