Shocking levels of incest discovered in DNA test in US: report

New York: Genetic testing in the US has revealed a disturbing trend of incest with children born to close biological relatives.

Incidents of incest have reached one in 7,000, where a research published in a text book in 1975 put it at one in a million.

Victoria Hill, who found out the shocking trend through a DNA test, discussed her family tree with her ex-boyfriend at their high school reunion, after having a DNA test.

It was then her boyfriend learnt similarities in their family make-up, which made him to take the test.

Hill had a shock of her life when she received a message that she was his sister and her father was not her biological father.

Hill told CNN that she was traumatized adding that ‘Now I'm looking at pictures of people thinking, well, if he could be my sibling, anybody could be my sibling.’

‘I have slept with my half-sibling. I went to elementary school with another, she was quoted as saying.

Subsequently, CNN brought her case to fore to uncover ‘ accidental incest’ happening from lack of regulations.

Babies born as a result of incest are at high risk of having birth defects and genetic disorders, according to the report.
