Sexual relationship with 13-yr-old: US woman won't go to jail

Washington: On charges of having a sexual relationship with a minor boy, a US woman won't be jailed as per court verdict, British news house Daily Mail reported.

The 31-year-old Andrea Serrano, from US' Colorado state, had admitted to being in a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy, and she has given birth to a child out of the relationship.

The Fountain Police charged the woman with sexual assault while being in a trusted position and sexual assault on a child. But her lawyers came up with a plea deal with prosecutors, which will make her register as a sex offender but could keep her from jail. The woman reportedly accepted the deal.

However, the minor's mother said that she is not happy with the deal. She said that she feels like her son was robbed of his childhood. He has to become a father, and he is a victim. He will be living with that for the rest of his life, the victim's mother said.

The mother alleges that if the minor was a girl and the perpetrator was a woman, the accused would be facing harsher punishment.

"I feel like if she was a man and he was a little girl, it would definitely be different. They would be seeking more. I feel like because he is not a woman, they are not. They have compassion for her," the minor's mother was quoted by Daily Mail.

Incest is a class four felony in Colorado state, but the case only lodged a lesser charge. But reports suggest that the judge could sentence Andrea Serrano to 10 years of jail for 'sex offender intensive supervised probation'.
