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Israeli military attacks aid convoy in Gaza even after agreeing route

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has attacked a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza despite it had been keeping to a route coordinated in advance with IDF, The Guardian reported.

However, IDF claimed its ‘airstrike’ on the convoy was aimed at “armed assailants” trying to hijack it.

Five people were killed in the attack, the outlet said citing unconfirmed reports.

It was carrying medical supplies and fuel to an Emirati-run hospital in Rafah on Thursday evening when the attack took place.

The US-based NGO Anera reportedly said people killed in the attack were employees of a transport company the charity was working with.

The route of the convoy was coordinated in advance with IDF to avoid aid vehicles being attacked, according to the report.

Anera’s Palestine country director, Sandra Rasheed called the incident ‘ shocking’, adding that the convoy was approved by Israeli authorities.

Sandra Rasheed said that several individuals employed by the transportation company that Anera was working with were killed.

An IDF statement confirmed the route had been coordinated, but claimed that “during the convoy’s movement, a number of armed assailants seized control of the vehicle in the front of the convoy (a Jeep) and began to lead it”.

Admitting that the route had been coordinated, IDF claimed number of armed assailants had taken control of the vehicle and began leading it.

It further said that no damage was caused to other vehicles in a ‘precise strike’ and they reached destination as planned, but the strike ‘removed’ threat from armed assailants seizing control of humanitarian convoy.

Anera also reportedly confirmed that the convoy reached the hospital, adding that there was only one Anera employee travelling in the convoy.

Hours before this incident, Israeli soldiers had fired at a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle having marked with UN insignia.

The WFP said that at least 10 bullets hit the vehicle after IDF opened fire as the vehicle approached its checkpoint at Wadi Gaza.
