Behesht Arghand of TOLO news interviews Abdul Haq Hammad, a close associate of Taliban media team on Tuesday/ Image vai TOLO news Twitter Handle

Afghan Updates: Taliban urges women to join government

2021-08-17 11:31 IST

Tharoor doubts presence of two Keralite Taliban in their victory celebration video

Thiruvananthapuram: Congress MP Shashi Tharoor on Tuesday shared a video of a group of Taliban celebrating its victory in Afghanistan in his twitter account in which gun wielding men are heard speaking in Malayalam.

"It sounds as if there are at least two Malayali Taliban here  one who says 'samsarikkette' around the 8-second mark & another who understands him!", Tharoor wrote on his microblogging site after sharing the video posted on August 15.

The video showed the Taliban member weeping in joy as they reached outside Kabul, hours ahead of falling of the Afghanistan capital in their hands.

2021-08-17 11:23 IST

Military evacuation flights take off from Kabul

Military flights transporting diplomats and civilians out of Afghanistan started taking off on Tuesday morning, a Western security official at Kabul airport told the Reuters news agency.

The airport runway and tarmac, overrun on Monday by thousands of people desperate to flee from the Afghanistan capital, are now clear of crowds, the official said.

US forces, which are in charge at the airport, had halted the departing flights because of the chaos.

2021-08-17 11:21 IST

Malala Yousafzai urges world leaders to act

Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai says she is deeply concerned about the situation in Afghanistan – particularly the safety of women and girls – and is calling on world leaders to take urgent action, reports Al Jazeera

The 23-year-old Yousafzai said that Biden “has a lot to do” and must “take a bold step” to protect the Afghan people while speaking at BBC Newsnight show.

“This is actually an urgent humanitarian crisis right now that we need to provide our help and support,”she said adding that she had been trying to reach out to several world leaders.
