A man is a man and a woman is a woman: UK PM Rishi Sunak

London: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has found himself in the middle of a raging debate on social media when he said "A man is a man and a woman is a woman", expressing his stance on gender identity.

Sunka told the 2023 Conservative Party conference on October 4 that people should not be bullied into believing they can be ‘any sex they want to be’, adding ‘ they can’t’.

‘We shouldn't get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be - they can't. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. That's just common sense.’ Sunak was quoted as saying.

Many on social media expressed anger at his ‘disrespectful’ comments towards transgender community, with some saying his remarks are without ‘common sense’.

UK PM also said that ‘it also shouldn't be controversial for parents to know what their children are learning in school about relationships’, adding further ‘Patients should know when hospitals are talking about men or women.’

One person responded to Sunak saying that persistent attack on not only the ‘smallest but most-at-risk communities are vile’.

Another person openly said that Sunak’s biology knowledge is so poor, adding ‘Biological sex is so complicated and interesting and not at all “common sense”.’

While a third user said Sunak seemed to be having no grasp on ‘the difference between sex and gender’, a fourth user agreed with UK PM saying someone in government has spoken truth in a long time.

Earlier, UK’s Health Secretary Steve Barclay offered to ban ‘transgender women from being treated in female hospital wards in England’, according to a report.

Sunak in April controversially made clear his stance on gender identity in an interview with ConservativeHome saying that women do not have penises, ‘"99.9 percent of women, of course, do not have penises".
