75- year-old tiktoking woman dies as tour boat sinks in Bahamas

New York: A 75-year-old woman from Colorado died on Tuesday when the double-decker tour boat she was traveling sank off the Blue Lagoon Island in the Bahamas, Fox News reported.

Kelly Schissel posted a video on TikTok in which she was heard saying ‘Our boat is sinking ... so that's fun’, adding ‘Everybody's freaking out.’

The footage circulating on social media also showed people screaming, wearing life vests, and jumping into the water as the boat began to heel over to one side.

Schissel in another video mentioned that the ferry was still some distance away.

She thought the captain was playfully turning the boat’s end while manoeuvring into the Blue Lagoon area.

Obviously she still had no clue what was going on even as other passengers were scrambling over to get out of the boat.

She was heard wondering ‘Then all of a sudden we kinda hear people kind of freaking out a little bit.’

It was only when she looked down she noticed water rising up into the boat.

‘One of the crew members that was downstairs ran upstairs and was crying, freaking out, absolutely bawling, grabbing a life jacket,’ she reportedly said.

Schissel found that a large number of passengers were waiting for instructions from boat staff.

However, she noted that guidance was not given as the staff themselves were panicking.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force received a distress call for a double-deck catamaran as experiencing water ingress at 11 a.m on Tuesday.

Police statement said the catamaran was taking tourists from Paradise Island to the well-known tourist spot, Blue Lagoon Island, according to NBC.
