Twitter removes links to other social media on its platform

New Delhi: In a move to compete against its rivals, the social media giant Twitter removed links to other platforms viz. Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr, and Post.

Twitter said that while it recognises that many of its users are active on other social media platforms, "we will no longer allow free promotion of certain social media platforms on Twitter".

The company said that it will remove accounts created solely for the purpose of promoting other social platforms and content that contains links or usernames to rival platforms.

Twitter will still allow cross-posting content from any social media platform.

"Posting links or usernames to social media platforms not listed above are also not in violation of this policy," said the company.

Twitter said it will take action against accounts that violate this policy "at both the Tweet level and the account level."

It means users can no longer include a link to their profiles on other social networks in their Twitter bio.

"If violations of this policy are included in your bio or account name, we will temporarily suspend your account and require changes to your profile to no longer be in violation. Subsequent violations may result in permanent suspension," said Twitter.

The move did not gel well with many Twitter users.

"This is such a desperate move. Honestly hard to remember the last time a tech company did something this baldly antagonistic to users and just so pathetic," tweeted Farhad Manjoo, an opinion columnist at the New York Times.

"He (Musk) must be losing a lot of money. but this whole thing is making him so small," he added.

-IANS Inputs
