New chatbot in town, Snapchat launches ChatGPT-powered 'My AI'

Snapchat's parent company Snap Inc. announced that it is rolling out an experimental chatbot feature that runs on OpenAI's ChatGPT. The feature is called 'My AI' and the latest version of OpenAI's GPT technology has been customised for Snapchat.

The bot will be first made available to Snapchat+ subscribers as an experiment this week. Users are asked to submit feedback so that the social media platform can improve the bot for future applications.

A blog post from Snap Inc. did not reveal if or when the feature will be available to regular users. The company, however, warned that My AI may make mistakes in its initial phase but the goal is to avoid any "biased, incorrect, harmful, or misleading information." The company will be saving all the conversations to review the performance of the chatbot and has asked users to not share secrets or personal information.

"My AI can recommend birthday gift ideas for your BFF, plan a hiking trip for a long weekend, suggest a recipe for dinner, or even write a haiku about cheese for your cheddar-obsessed pal. Make My AI your own by giving it a name and customizing the wallpaper for your Chat. As with all AI-powered chatbots, My AI is prone to hallucination and can be tricked into saying just about anything. Please be aware of its many deficiencies and sorry in advance!" said My AI.

The image shared on the blog post showed a figure with a purple face and blue hair.
