France implements smartphone ban in schools to combat screen addiction

In an effort to address the growing concern of screen addiction among young people, France has introduced a new law banning the use of smartphones and other electronic devices in schools for students up to the age of 15.

This measure aims to reduce excessive screen time, which has been linked to negative effects on physical health, mental well-being, and outdoor activity among teenagers.

The French government’s initiative reflects a broader global movement to find effective strategies to counter screen addiction. In addition to legislative actions, various initiatives, such as "digital detox" workshops, are being promoted to encourage a healthier balance between technology use and daily life. These efforts underscore the importance of disconnecting from the digital world to foster a more balanced lifestyle.

The new law, as announced by the French government, prohibits the use of mobile phones, tablets, smartwatches, and other electronic communication devices within schools and colleges. The ban applies during both school hours and extracurricular activities, as well as during school-related events held outside of educational institutions.

High schools in France are also given the authority to extend this ban to older students by including specific provisions in their internal regulations. The ban is comprehensive, covering all school activities, whether on or off campus.

However, the law does make exceptions for students with disabilities or health conditions that require the use of medical devices linked to communication equipment, such as devices for managing diabetes.

Additionally, the law provides for conditional allowances where mobile phone use may be permitted. These exceptions are based on specific circumstances and locations defined in the school's internal regulations, primarily for educational purposes.

France’s decision to implement this ban is part of a broader strategy to give students a "digital pause," encouraging them to engage more in face-to-face interactions and physical activities, while also reducing the potential harms associated with excessive screen time.
