Civil society group calls for judicial inquiry into women wrestlers' harassment concerns

The People's Commission on Public Sector and Public Services, a prominent civil society organization, has called for an independent investigation into the concerns raised by women wrestlers.

The Commission urged the formation of an inquiry panel led by a senior judge to thoroughly examine the sequence of events starting from when the wrestlers first voiced their concerns about the actions of former Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) officials.

This inquiry would also focus on the distressing incidents at the Paris Olympics, with a particular emphasis on the mental anguish endured by the wrestlers throughout this period.

The Commission expressed deep concern over the authorities' failure to act promptly and sensitively on the wrestlers' accusations. It emphasized that had the central authorities responded adequately and with empathy, the nation could have avoided the unfortunate situation where women wrestlers were forced to sacrifice the recognition they deserved, and the country was deprived of celebrating their achievements.

In previous statements issued on June 10th and June 28th, 2024, the Commission highlighted the inadequate response of senior political leadership to the harassment faced by India's women wrestlers.

The organization criticized the slow progress of the investigation into serious POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses) allegations made by some wrestlers against former WFI officials. The Commission also condemned the police's high-handedness and the mental harassment inflicted on the wrestlers, who were subjected to indignities while seeking justice.

The Commission's earlier statement emphasized the importance of insulating the investigation from political influence to protect the interests of the women wrestlers. It stressed that the investigation should be monitored by a sitting or retired judge appointed by the Supreme Court to ensure that it proceeds in accordance with the law.

The organization expressed dismay at the silence of senior leadership regarding the slow progress of the investigation and the mistreatment of the women wrestlers, who were forced to resort to public protests to demand justice.

The wrestlers' ongoing mental trauma has had a significant impact, as evidenced by recent events at the Paris Olympics. One senior woman wrestler was disqualified from the Olympics on questionable technical grounds, without any visible intervention from Indian sports authorities. Another wrestler had to leave the Olympic Village due to disciplinary reasons.

The Commission noted that if the authorities had acted promptly and constructively on the wrestlers' concerns, these unfortunate incidents could have been avoided.

The People's Commission on Public Sector and Public Services has now demanded an independent inquiry by a commission headed by a senior member of the judiciary. This inquiry should investigate the entire range of developments, including the actions of government agencies, senior public officials, and other stakeholders, in relation to the women's wrestlers' concerns.

The Commission also called for the investigation to assign responsibility for the harassment and mental trauma endured by the wrestlers, which culminated in the distressing incidents at the Paris Olympics.

The Commission includes a diverse group of members, including academics, jurists, former administrators, trade unionists, and social activists. They are committed to engaging with stakeholders in the policy-making process and opposing the government's decisions to monetize, disinvest, and privatize public assets and enterprises. The Commission has already produced several sectoral reports and is working towards a final report on these issues.
