Saturn lunar eclipse to illuminate skies in India and beyond

Skywatchers in India and neighboring regions are set to witness a rare astronomical event known as the Saturn Lunar Eclipse, or Lunar Occultation of Saturn, this week.

This captivating phenomenon, which happens approximately every 18 years, will occur on the night of July 24 and extend into the early morning hours of July 25.

During this time, the moon will pass in front of Saturn, obscuring the ringed planet from view and creating a stunning celestial display.

This event holds particular significance not only for its visual splendor but also for its astrological and cultural implications. The eclipse provides a unique opportunity for both amateur and professional astronomers to observe and understand more about the intricacies of our solar system.

Also known as the 'Lunar Occultation of Saturn,' this rare event occurs when Saturn is hidden by the moon. As the moon moves across the sky, it temporarily blocks Saturn from view.

The eclipse will be visible on the night of July 24, 2024. The event is expected to begin at 1:30 AM local time, with Saturn reappearing from behind the moon at approximately 2:25 AM. This spectacular occurrence can be seen in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China, and Japan.

The Saturn Lunar Eclipse can be observed with the naked eye. For optimal viewing, it is recommended to find a location with minimal light pollution.
