From toys to Amazon's Alexa..: Here is a list of things NASA's Artemis I will carry to Moon

NASA is all set to return to the Moon with its Artemis I rocket on August 29, 2022. As per the latest details, the rocket has been moved to the launch pad for final preparation. But what makes the news interesting is what Artemis I rocket is going to carry to the Moon! 

As per reports, the uncrewed mission, Artemis I, will not carry humans but will blast off with some items to prepare astronauts for the first mission with a crew.

The Artemis I will carry 120 pounds of mementos and other items in its official flight kit.

The rocket will carry Snoopy dog, the beloved character created by Charles M Schulz to the Moon which will be used as a zero gravity indicator inside the spacecraft.

 Besides Snoopy, a mall Shaun the Sheep toy will also be an Artemis passenger. Four Lego mini figures will also ride in Orion.

Besides this, Amazon's voice assistant Alexa is also a part of the mission. It is a reconfigured version of Alexa named Callisto and will be used to test the performance of such devices in space. It aims to demonstrate how astronauts and flight controllers can utilize the technology to make their job more efficient and safer.

 A pen nib used by the cartoonist, wrapped in a space-themed comic strip, will be carried for the flight. 

Commander Moonikin Campos is a suited mannequin and will collect data on what future human crews might experience on a lunar trip.  Commander Moonikin Campos will also wear the new Orion Crew Survival System suit designed for astronauts to wear during launch and reentry. The other two mannequin-Halga and Zohar will also ride in Orion seats.

A variety of trees and plant seeds will also be carried in the flight, which will help study the effects of the space environment on them.

Other things that will be flying to the moon in Orion are--A 3D-printed replica of the Greek goddess Artemis, Georges Méliès' famed "A Trip to the Moon" artwork, digital entries from the Artemis Moon Pod essay contest, and space science badges from the Girl Scouts of America.
