Climate change causes increase in turbulence during flight: UK scientists

London: A new study asks flight passengers to keep their seat belts fastened all along the journey in order to protect themselves from increasing air turbulence.

The scientists at Reading University in the UK says the clear-air turbulence, which will come out of blue throwing passengers around, is increased by climate change.

The warmer air stemming from carbon emissions creates bumpier flights with turbulence in North Atlantic region going up by 55 percent since 1979, according to report in The Guardian.

However, passengers need not have to fear much because more than a bumpy ride nothing happens, except in worst cases ‘ damage and injuries’.

Mark Prosser, the co-author of the study, said turbulence leads to wear and tear on an aircraft alongside risk of injuries to passengers and flight attendants.

The study urges Airlines to think about how to manage turbulence as it is costing airline industry ‘$150-500m annually in the USA alone.’

Professor Paul Williams, a scientist at University of Reading involved in the study, said researchers suggests that climate change will increase clear-air turbulence in the future.

Williams added that it is about time to invest in greater turbulence forecasting and detection systems.

Though radar can detect turbulence from storms, clear-air turbulence, which can come out of blue, remains hard to pick up, according to the report.
