Saudi Arabia likely to get first Miss Universe contestant this year

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia will get its first ever Miss Universe contestant this year weeks after a Saudi model falsely claimed selection to the pageant, according to news agency AFP.

Maria Jose Unda, the coordinator of The Miss Universe Organization’s international relations, said the organization: ‘is currently undergoing a rigorous vetting process qualifying a potential candidate to be awarded the Saudi Arabia franchise’.

She made it clear that the country will have a contestant before the event’s next edition happening in September in Mexico.

The statement follows Saudi model Rumy al-Qahtani’s claim in March on social media that she was ‘honoured’to represent Saudi Arabia in the upcoming contest.

The post on Instagram came along with the 27-year-old in ‘sequined dress ‘ carrying Saudi flag inscribed shahada or Islamic creed, according to the report.

Miss Universe in a statement called her claims "false and misleading" , adding that no selection process had been made in the country.

Reacting to it, Qahtani reportedly told AFP that she was in ‘negotiations’ about participating in the contest.

"I have been contacted from the Miss Universe committee to represent Saudi Arabia. Negotiations started but it was during the month of Ramadan and I wasn't able to respond," she was quoted by AFP as saying. She hoped that ‘it will result in a happy ending.’

The Miss Universe official Maria Jose Unda reportedly said that if Qahtani wants to participate in the contest she will have to undergo the same selection process as other candidates.

Meanwhile Qahtani claimed to have participated in several pageants in the Middle East and Europe.
