Is this 'anti-Semitism'?

When American student revolutions begin, they do not stop until their goals are fully achieved. We have the examples of the end of the war in Vietnam and overthrow of the racist regime in South Africa. Thepositive role played by the youth in Civil Rights Movement has helped improving the laws of racial discrimination against the Blacks in America.

Hence, Netanyahu is worried that the university students’ protests may end up in the removal of his racist regime. His existence, he fears, is only till the war comes to an end.  So, the ceasefire proposals are continuously rejected by Israel and America. It is deplorable that the corporate media swallow whatever America says and declare the line of Israel accepting the “ceasefire proposal “ and Hamas rejecting it.

What Hamas does is the rejection of the US-Israeli diktat to sign away the rights of the people of Gaza!

As.the images of destruction and dismembered bodies of innocent civilians and children flood social media, proponents of ‘Hasbara’ organization, led by Netanyahu and his partner Tony Blair, with a budget amounting to more than one and a half billion dollars annually, re-double their efforts in well-orchestrated PR campaigns to redefine war crimes to whitewash any disproportionate use of force.

Its very purpose is to mislead and lie, and to brandish the sword of “anti-Semitism“ against everyone who criticizes the massacres of Israel. But, this achievement of Netanyahu in the occupied Palestine has been overshadowed by the movements of students in the rebellious American capmpuses. It goes without saying that this is because of the steadfastness of the people of Gaza Strip; their martyrs' blood under the command of Hamas. On the other day, the US House of Representatives approved controversial legislation on anti-Semitism, facilitating the filing of civil rights complaints, especially in light of the pro-Palestinian protests taking place in American universities, rejecting Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip .

The legislation, which redefines federal anti-Semitism and places more restrictions on criticism of Israel, considering it anti-Semitism, received bipartisan support, with 187 Republican representatives and 133 Democrats voting in favor of it, while 21 Republican representatives and 70 Democratic representatives voted against it.

The legislation, which was presented by Representatives Mike Lawler and Josh Gottheimer, came amid protests taking place at dozens of American universities. It led to the arrests of students and threats of their dismissal, as they defend the Palestinian cause and call for an end to the ongoing war between

Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.The students also urge these universities to reconsider their dealings with Israeli companies and European officials who request to remain anonymous. As the Israeli daily Haaretz recently disclosed “the “ceasefire proposals” were often hatched in Washington, the messenger boy was Tony Blair whose hands are stained with the blood of Iraqi people and the terms were drafted by Israel. The intention was either to corner Hamas into surrendering - or force Hamas to reject the proposal and confirm the Israeli narrative that it is a terrorist organization with which Israel cannot make peace.

Now, while scrawling these lines, we also read about the phone calls of the Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri with the Foreign ministers of France and Britain to warn of the dangers of the Israeli escalation in the Palestinian city of Rafah. Shukri seems to address the humanitarian dimensions of endangering the lives of more than 1.4 million Palestinians. He feels the necessity of pressuring Israel to comply with its obligations as an occupying power, and to stop escalatory and provocative policies. Egypt rejects the forced displacement of Palestinians to outside their land and does not like the liquidation of the Palestinian cause.

But, it seems that Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, and Netanyahu want to use US muscle directly or indirectly to strong-arm Hamas into surrendering. Though America reiterates through its spokesman Sullivan (its National Security Advisor) that it would be a mistake to launch a major military operation in Rafah as it would expose large numbers of civilians to danger, Netanyahu is proceeding with the massacre. And Joe Biden admits it . America says one thing and does the opposite!

The protests that began recently in American universities have shaken the pillars of politics in America. These are massive protests. Their spark moved from Columbia University to the University of Texas, then to the University of Southern California and then the University of Michigan and so on .Now, it has spread to other countries in the world, such as France and from France to Britain and then to Australia. This is passing a message to the new global generation.

They are woken up to react to the lies of the current international order of the false democracy and anti-Semitism of the West. The Protesters at American universities demand an end to cooperation with the Zionist entity, and pressure the American administration to stop the war of extermination. These demands strike the foundations of the Israeli aggression that fuels them. The United States itself, along with other Western countries, commit repression, storming universities, arresting students, and dismantling sit-in sites In the camps inside the university grounds. Is it not a harsh security response to those protests?

In fact, Amnesty International condemned the the heavy-handed measures taken against the university students and called it “racial and oppressive treatment.” These protests are peaceful protests in support of human rights. We find that the Palestinians in American universities, with whom many other nationalities intermingled including Jews and Christians, are against what is being committed in Gaza.

The question goes to the core of American democracy. How does the criticism of Israel get mixed up with anti-Semitism or support for terrorism? And the Palestinian resistance is not receiving its legitimate right to resistance with Zionist state terrorism? The occupation state has reached inhumane limits, and made the people of the whole world, including the American people, especially its youth, discover the extent of the deception that has been practised on their consciousness over the past decades by Zionist media in America and the West. The student revolution may change America and the world, and establish a new America that participates in maintaining security and peace, stopping wars, and achieving victory for the oppressed in the entire world. Let us hope that the present unrest among the youth may spawn similar revolutions in Europe, and even in the Third world and gain victory for justice and equality!
