Mathura: The Uttar Pradesh Police have arrested two Bangladeshis, living 'illegally' in the Vrindavan area of Mathura district, even as the debate over the new citizenship law intensifies.
Station Head Officer of Vrindavan Kotwali, Sanjeev Dubey said that they had been arrested for 'illegally' living in Vrindavan since last eight years.
"They have been living here for past eight years. The intelligence department had been tracking them for some time. The arrested were in possession of forged documents, including illegally obtained passport," he said.
The two arrested refugees from Bangladesh have been identified as Manav and Keshav. They have been sent to jail after being presented before a magistrate while the investigation continues. The police is also investigating how they managed to get a passport with forged documents.
Before going to jail, the two arrested persons told reporters that they were from Bangladesh and come to India twenty years ago. They admitted that they had been living in different cities across India before settling in Vrindavan.
Meanwhile, social activist, Dhirendra Kumar, said that the police action against them was surprising in the light of the newly amended Citizenship Amendment Act.
"Those arrested should have actually been guided to apply for the Indian citizenship. There may be several other districts across Uttar Pradesh where illegal immigrants from neighbouring countries would be living. Most of them are the Hindus from Bangladesh. We should now start the process of granting them citizenship instead of harassing them further," he said.