New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday announced that the Odd-Even scheme will be back in November, to tackle the rising menace of pollution just around the time of Diwali.
The scheme will be enforced on November 4 and will continue till November 15. Apart from that he announced plans to buy electric buses and invited corporate to invest in luxury buses.
Kejriwal added, 1,000 electric buses will be introduced to the national capital. He also said that a bus aggregator policy will be announced soon.
"If you enforce Odd-Even for a long time, the implementation becomes troublesome. As of now, Odd-Even will only be restricted to this time frame," said Kejriwal.
Emergency vehicles will not be subject to this, he said.
He also asserted that Supreme Court guidelines during Diwali on fircrackers will be sternly enforced. Kejriwal also urged people of Delhi to take part in plantation drives.