New Delhi: National security has taken over issues such as unemployment as one of the major concern areas for the people after the air strike on terror camps in Pakistan, according to the CVOTER-IANS opinion tracker.
Unemployment was the number one issue on the mood of the people tracker at the start of year with 29 per cent respondents calling it the prime concern. But as on March 7, the concern is reduced to 22 per cent. Reverse is true for national security which was seen as a non-issue in the first week of January with only 2.6 per cent listing it as a major issue.
The situation has totally changed after the Pulwama attack and the Balakot strike with 26 per cent now claiming it to be the primary issue.
"In today's India we have seen perhaps for the first time security issue competing and outdoing a bread-and-butter issue such as unemployment," said psephologist Yashwant Deshmukh, adding the current atmospherics go in favour of Prime Minister Modi.