The United States has announced new sanctions targeting extremist Jewish settlers in the West Bank, a move that has provoked a strong reaction from the Israeli government. The sanctions, aimed at curbing escalating settler violence against Palestinians, reflect increasing frustration within the Biden administration over Israel's inability to control such incidents.

The measures specifically target one organisation, Hashomer Yosh, and an individual, Yitzhak Levi Filant. Hashomer Yosh, which provides security for illegal settler outposts, has been involved in the intimidation and displacement of Palestinian communities, particularly in the south Hebron hills.

The organisation, while officially a non-government entity, has received funding and support from the Israeli government, particularly from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition.

Filant, the security coordinator at the Yitzhar settlement near Nablus, is another key figure affected by the sanctions. He has been implicated in activities outside the bounds of his official role, including leading armed settlers in operations against Palestinians. Filant's salary, drawn directly from the Israeli defence ministry, is now at risk due to the sanctions, which block his assets and prohibit US citizens and companies from engaging with him.

Netanyahu’s office expressed concerns over the new US sanctions on right-wing organisations and extremist individuals, noting that these sanctions are believed to significantly impact the government’s efforts to support them in occupying the West Bank through violence, while also potentially disrupting financial support from rightwing backers in the US.

The US measures were introduced shortly after the Israel Defense Forces conducted raids against Palestinian militants in the West Bank, amid growing concerns about the cycle of violence being driven by settler aggression. The head of Israel’s Shin Bet security agency has recently highlighted the threat posed by unrestrained settler violence, warning that it constitutes a significant national security risk.

The Biden administration's actions signal a deepening rift with Netanyahu’s government, particularly concerning figures within the Israeli cabinet closely associated with extremist settlers. The US has reaffirmed its commitment to holding accountable those who contribute to the violence in the West Bank, with these latest sanctions marking a significant escalation in its efforts to address the ongoing conflict.
