UK stance: No mercy for Palestinians, justifying Israel's cruelties as right to defend

At the Conservative Party Conference, the four leadership contenders were vying to outdo each other in their obeisance to Israel. They were cheerleaders for Israeli atrocities against Palestinian civilians. Any crime against humanity is said to be positively virtuous so long as the perpetrators are Israeli. All massacres are justified as ‘Israel’s right to defend itself.’

Robert Jenrick is the likely winner of the Conservative leadership contest. We shall see in November. His wife is a Jewish American and the daughter of Holocaust survivors. This has meant that Jenrick has drunk the cool aid and become a zealous Zionist.

As ethnic minority people, one might have thought that Kemi Badenoch (who is ethnically Nigerian) and James Cleverly (who is half Sierra Leonean) would have some sympathy for dark-skinned people subjected to insensate violence by mostly white people. But no – they too took the side of the oppressor. Tom Tugendhat is a quarter Jewish and is perhaps the most moderate on this issue. But that is not saying much.

Any plea for mercy for the Palestinians and any expose of Israel’s manifold offences against morality and law are dismissed as ‘anti-Semitism’.

Most Conservative MPs are members of Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI). CFI will bring MPs on a business class flight for a five-star hotel stay in Israel and then for meetings with people designed to reinforce the anti-Palestinian prejudices of those enjoying this largesse. It is all paid for. Most Conservative MPs are multimillionaires. They could easily afford this holiday, sorry, fact-finding trip themselves. But they accept the free trip.

The mildest criticism of Israel’s policies by a Conservative politician will see CFI strive to get him or her deselected as a candidate. They usually succeed. To get ahead in the party you must be an apologist for Israel’s crimes.

There is a Conservative Arab Network (CAN). But CAN has very few members. If you join CAN you will not get anywhere in the party.

In the Labour Party, the situation is almost as bad.

There is the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI). LFI has only a few Labour MPs in it. David Lammy is a Foreign Secretary and a member of LFI.

There is also Labour Friends of Palestine (LFP). Former leader Jeremy Corbyn was a stalwart of LFP. Israel recognised this was a disaster for them. Labour almost won the 2017 election. Mossad launched a concerted smear campaign to paint Corbyn as an anti-Semite. It worked and contributed to Labour’s heavy defeat in 2024. Had Corbyn become Prime Minister he was pledged to recognise Palestine and instantly halt all arms sales to Israel. He even hosted some Hamas leaders in London in 2010. He called them friends.

Labour candidates who speak up for Palestinian rights are dropped from the party. A Labour politician is under investigation for saying he wanted to see Palestine and Israel live in peace and liberty from the river to the sea.

The Labour Government was ushered into office in July 2024. Its only concession to the Palestinian caucus was to suspend export licences for a few weapons systems due to be shipped to Israel. But most British arms exports to the Land of Israel continue.

The Liberal Democrats are the third biggest party in the United Kingdom. They too have a pro-Israeli faction. Nowadays they very seldom advocate for human rights for Palestinians.

The Scottish National Party (SNP) is the only significant party in the United Kingdom that is fulsome for Palestinian freedom. The SNP was led by Humza Yusuf who is a British Pakistani. But he was restrained in his language lest he be accused of the avocation of ‘terrorism.’

Israel recognises that the United Kingdom is quite important to them. Besides the United States, it is the friendliest of all the fairly powerful countries. That is why Tel Aviv is keen to keep Britain sweet.

In the dispute over the Chagos Islands, Israel was one of only 5 other countries to vote for the UK’s position in the United Nations. The State of Israel is a reliable ally in the UN because Israel knows that the United Kingdom is one of few nations besides the United States that usually votes Israel’s way. Therefore, Israel thinks it is smart to return the favour.

However, the UK is not as slavishly Zionist as the USA. The United Kingdom voted for the UN Security Council Resolution in March 2024 for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Mossad (Israeli external intelligence) shares intelligence with MI6 (British external intelligence). MI6 stands in bewildered awe of Mossad’s mastery of cyberwarfare, encryption, decryption, agent running and assassinations. Mossad’s access to high-grade secret information is genuinely helpful to the United Kingdom.

Israel Army officers sometimes visit Shrivenham, the British Army’s technology college. The UK is eager to learn from Israel’s technological prowess.

The United Kingdom exports arms to Israel. These are a tiny fraction of Israel’s arsenal. Eretz Israel purchases them partly to keep the British happy. Israel has a very impressive military manufacturing sector itself and does not need British-made weapons. The UK is pro-Israel partly to keep the export market and to be able to buy Israel’s superb weaponry.

London often brags about its special relationship with the United States. It is special to the United Kingdom. It is never mentioned in the USA. Washington DC values Israel far above the UK. But to keep on the right side of Uncle Sam, the British are craven towards Israel.

The Jewish community is 0.5% of the population. But they have far more than 0.5% of the wealth and power.

The Daily Telegraph newspaper fulminates in favour of all the felonies committed by the Zionist entity against the Palestinians. This newspaper is the main right-wing journal in the UK.

The British media often talks about the Israeli ‘incursion’ not an invasion. It seldom mentions that this is against international law or that Israel has illegally occupied Palestine for decades. The BBC is one of the fairer British media outlets. Other channels and newspapers are more nakedly Zionist.

Nevertheless, the Israeli Embassy and its British minions are constantly complaining about alleged anti-Israeli bias in the British media. Many British newspapers are owned by Zionists. Note that most Zionists are NOT Jews and some Jews are anti-Zionist.

There is no Jewish conspiracy and there never has been. But most Jews have feelings for the only Jewish country in the world. Therefore, they try their utmost to advance their interests even at the cost of law or morality. There is my side bias. They say Palestinians can go to other Arab or Muslim lands. Jews have nowhere else to go. The Jews remember that within living memory a third of all Jews in the world were annihilated in just three years.

Therefore, they say they need a safe haven and that is Israel. If they have to abuse the Palestinians to secure a future for Jews, then so be it. Their attitude is: morality be damned – we must survive! They perceive it as a mortal struggle. They believe they have no margin for error. Israel is only 12 miles across at one point. Israel has bested the Arabs many times. But if Israel loses only once then they will be wiped out.

There are valiant and honourable Jewish people who recognise that the State of Israel daily commits abominable crimes against her Arab neighbours. No praise is too high for these Jews who live up to the noblest principles of Judaism.

Until the 2000s there was some Arab solidarity. Gulf Arab countries pressured the United Kingdom to allow some justice for Palestine. The UK had to balance its obeisance to Tel Aviv with its desire to secure arms sales contracts and purchase cheap oil. But the Gulf states have betrayed Palestine. The United Kingdom is moving towards renewable energy. Gulf oil matters less and less. Now there is no balance.

20% of British citizens are non-white. Their numbers are growing rapidly. 40% of babies born in the UK are non-white. Non-white people tend to empathise more with Palestine. Young white Britons tend to share this view of their non-white compatriots. Left-wing people lean towards Palestine in this dispute.

5 pro-Palestinian MPs were elected to the UK Parliament in 2024. They were all Muslims standing in areas with large Muslim communities. The Green Party has 4 MPs and is pro-Palestine. Several Labour MPs have had the whip taken away for opposing cuts in benefits paid to pensioners. They are all pro-Palestine.

There are 650 MPs in the British Parliament. Of them perhaps 30 are clearly defenders of Palestine. Most of the rest are Zionist and a few are neutral. Parliament does not reflect public opinion in the UK where there is almost a 50-50 split on Israel-Palestine. There is an elite consensus that Israel must be backed.
