Saudi minister leads Islamic world conference, sets future directions in Makkah

The 14th Executive Council meeting of the Conference of Awqaf (Endowments) and Islamic Affairs Ministers in the Islamic World commenced on Saturday, led by Sheikh Dr. Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al Al-Sheikh, the Minister of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance and Executive President of the Conference. Held under the patronage of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the meeting will span two days in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

The conference is attended by ministers of Awqaf and Islamic affairs, muftis, and heads of Islamic councils and associations across 62 countries. Discussions at the meeting focused on reviewing the agenda for the ninth conference and unanimously approving it.

A significant decision made during the meeting was the selection of the Kingdom of Morocco as the venue for the 15th session of the Executive Council, following an invitation from Moroccan Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq.

The council also examined the working mechanisms and considered various suggestions for the themes of the upcoming 14th conference, aimed at addressing the changing needs of the ministries of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs amid evolving global Islamic developments.

Proposals to enhance the operational framework of the council were also discussed, with submissions from member states aimed at improving the council’s efficacy. The Executive Council, comprising eight member countries—Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Gambia, Kuwait, Egypt and Morocco—focuses on overseeing the execution of general conference resolutions, issuing decisions and recommendations, and preparing conference agendas, reports and relevant tasks.
