Israel war in Gaza: four days truce announced to facilitate humanitarian aid

In a significant development amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza, Hamas and Israel have reached a temporary ceasefire lasting four days. The announcement comes after strenuous negotiations facilitated by Qatar and Egypt.

A Hamas statement about the terms of the agreement says cessation of military actions by Israeli forces throughout the Gaza Strip, the entry of humanitarian aid, and the release of detainees, among other conditions.

The ceasefire agreement outlines specific measures, such as the release of 50 women and children from Israeli detention in exchange for 150 Palestinian women and children.

Additionally, it mandates the entry of hundreds of trucks carrying humanitarian, relief, medical, and fuel aid into all areas of Gaza. The occupation's air traffic in the south will be halted entirely for four days, with limited hours of operation in the north.

During the ceasefire period, both parties are committed to refraining from attacking or arresting individuals in Gaza. The freedom of movement along Salah El-Din Street, from north to south, is also ensured.

Hamas emphasized that despite the agreement, their readiness to defend their people and resist occupation remains steadfast, underscoring their commitment to the aspirations of an independent Palestinian state.

The negotiations, conducted from a position of strength and steadfastness, reflect Hamas's dedication to serving the Palestinian people and addressing their concerns amid the ongoing conflict.

The announcement concludes with a promise to remain loyal to the cause of liberation, freedom, and the ' establishment of an independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital'.
