Days away, all of Gaza to be a graveyard as Israel continues bombardment

In the war-ravaged region of Gaza, a desperate exodus ensues as Israeli bombardments intensify, forcing residents of Khan Younis to flee towards the southern city of Rafah. The relentless onslaught has left civilians, including women and children, trapped in a nightmarish scenario.

The situation is dire, with Palestinian news agency WAFA reporting dozens killed and injured in dawn airstrikes, including in Rafah, where journalist Shaima al-Jazzar and her family were tragically killed in a strike on their supposed safe haven.

The toll on civilians is staggering, with an estimated 1.8 million people in Gaza, roughly 80% of the population, now internally displaced.

The health crisis is worsening, with the UN estimating that over 15,500 people have been killed in the Israeli onslaught, which began after a Hamas attack on Israeli territory on October 7.

The Palestinian health ministry in Gaza reports an additional 400 people were killed over the weekend, following the end of a brief ceasefire. The Israeli military's demands for the evacuation of Khan Younis remain unanswered, leaving residents in a state of panic.

On the ground, reports suggest a potential broadening of the ground invasion, with Israeli tanks and armoured personnel carriers witnessed entering areas north of Khan Younis.

Mohammed Aghaalkurdi, a program officer with Medical Aid for Palestinians, describes the escalating terror, emphasizing the lack of aid reaching the people and the depletion of essential supplies, leading to bartering for basic necessities like flour, salt, or yeast.

Simultaneously, the conflict claims the lives of more Israeli soldiers, with three reported dead and four seriously injured in various battles in northern Gaza. This brings the total number of Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza to over 80 since the start of the ground invasion, according to UN sources.

The situation is further complicated by a social media row regarding the evacuation of a medical warehouse in southern Gaza. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus claims to have received an order from Israel to remove supplies within 24 hours, citing impending ground operations.

COGAT, the Israeli agency, denies issuing the evacuation order, creating confusion and raising questions about the coordination between international organizations and the Israeli military.

In the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces conduct raids, leading to arrests and heightened tensions. Telecommunication services are cut off in Gaza, exacerbating the communication blackout as Israel intensifies its assault.

As the crisis in Gaza deepens, with civilian casualties rising, infrastructure crumbling, and the humanitarian situation reaching catastrophic levels.
