Melinda Gates criticizes CEOs for celebrating sleep deprivation

Melinda French Gates condemned the trend among CEOs and tech entrepreneurs who brag about thriving on minimal sleep, labeling it as "so dumb."

In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, the billionaire philanthropist emphasized the importance of adequate rest, sharing that she typically sleeps between seven to eight hours each night.

Melinda pointed out the downsides of sleep deprivation, stating, "Some of us didn't want to be around them!" in reference to those who promote this unhealthy mindset. Medical professionals support her stance, noting that sufficient sleep is crucial for overall health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults aged 18 to 60 get at least seven hours of sleep per night.

The consequences of extreme sleep deprivation can be severe, potentially leading to serious health issues such as heart and kidney diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression.

Her comments come amid a shift among some high-profile figures, including Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, who are increasingly recognizing the value of sleep. Musk, for instance, admitted to CNBC that attempting to function on less sleep resulted in decreased productivity, stating, "Even though I'm awake more hours, I get less done."

Research indicates that adequate sleep is vital for optimal physical and mental performance, and lack of it can impair cognitive function, leading to increased risks of accidents and diminished productivity. The CDC warns that insufficient sleep can negatively impact not only individual performance but also broader community safety.
