Long covid patients suffer poor brain functions for at least two years: report

London: A study claims that Covid can cause ‘devastating neurological effect’ for at least two years.

Though Covid is no longer a major health concern, several studies have pointed out lurking after effects of the disease.

Now a study published in eClinicalMedicine in UK says that people having covid symptoms for 12 weeks are found to have reduced memory, reasoning and motor control for two years.

Using online platform, researchers tested thousands of people to understand how covid affected their brain function and how long symptoms lasted, Washington Post reported.

The study led by Nathan Cheetham a researcher at King's College London, is perhaps the most insightful of studies on the impact of covid.

Long covid can cause symptoms including fatigue, respiratory and heart problems, digestive problems and brain fog.

More neurological symptoms likely to emerge include brain fog, numbness, tingling, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus and fatigue, according to the report.

Anna S. Nordvig, a neurologist at Weill Cornell Medicine, reportedly said that she had seen symptoms continue over three years in some cases, sometimes triggered by a mild covid infection. Meanwhile, cognitive difficulties are widely seen in long covid patients.

Greg Vanichkachorn, expert at the Covid Activity Rehabilitation Program at Mayo Clinic, said people get better physically after covid infection but cognitive deficits seem last longer and in some case they never heal.
