Catching omicron does not immunise you: study

Going down with Omicron does not protect you against re-infection, according to scientists at Imperial College London.

Omicron variant of Covid-19 does not leave any immune imprint in the body.

You will still be vulnerable to omicron even if you are recovering from Omicron infection.

The investigators say Omicron and its evolutions could explain why Covid cases remain higher than predicted in the UK, Daily Mail reports.

When it comes to covid, a past infection could provide some immunity against re-infection.

This is not the case with Omicron which is highly stealthy, making omicron suffers vulnerable to re-infection.

Prof Danny Altmann of Imperial College said that Omicron variants are bad at inducing immunity but good at breakthroughs.

Omicron can breakthrough vaccine defences, according to him, leaving little "hallmarks" on the immune system.

Omicron can fly under the radar as a result immune system will not remember it, according to the study.

Researchers were attempting to understand re-infections happening quickly after recovery.

Among those triple-vaccinated with no past infection, Omicron however provided an immunity boost against variants such as alpha, beta, and gamma.

The study found those first affected by Covid and then again with Omicron lacking any immunity.
