New Delhi: Two days into India's mass COVID vaccination drive, Bharat Biotech, the makers of Covaxin has released a detailed fact sheet on Monday explaining the side effects and the process involved in taking the anti COVID vaccine. In its fact sheet, the Hyderabad-based pharmaceutical firm warned that those who have weaker immunity or are on a medicine that affects their immune system and people with allergies must not take the Covaxin shot. Also those who have fever, bleeding disorder or on blood thinners are advised against taking the jab.
The firm has also added pregnant and breastfeeding women to the list of people who should avoid taking the Covaxin shots. Those who have received another COVID vaccine are also excluded from the list of people who can take the vaccine.
The factsheet lists side effects that include pain, swelling or itching where the recipient has been injected, body ache, headache, fever, malaise, weakness, rashes, nausea and vomiting.
"Additionally, there is a remote chance that the Covaxin could cause a severe allergic reaction. For this reason, your vaccination provider will ask you to stay for 30 minutes after each dose of vaccination at the place where you received your vaccine for monitoring after vaccination," says Bharat Biotech.
The pharma giant also said all recipients would be part of follow-ups for a period of three months after the second dose of vaccination.
"In case of any adverse events, vaccine recipients will be provided with a medically recognized standard of care in the government designated and authorized centres /hospital. The compensation for the serious adverse event will also be provided," read the factsheet. According to the factsheet, individuals who are prioritized under the public health programs of the Ministry of Health & Female Welfare, Government of India are eligible to take the vaccine shot.