Thiruvananthapuram: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan Monday said a case would be registered against BJP state chief Kummanom Rajasekharan, if necessary, for allegedly "spreading false reports" related to the killing of an RSS worker in Kannur.
Vijayan was replying to a notice for an adjournment motion moved by the Congress-led UDF opposition on the alleged breakdown of law and order in Kannur following the killing of Choorakad Biju, allegedly by CPI(M) workers, on May 12.
Referring to a video in a Facebook post of BJP state President Kummanom Rajasekharan that showed "celebrations by CPI(M) workers over the killing of Biju," Vijayan said the BJP leader should explain where the celebration took place.
"It is incorrect and illegal. Case would be registered if necessary after examining all aspects", Vijayan said.
He maintained that police acted swiftly to prevent occurrence of violence in the area. Two persons have also been taken into custody in connection with the incident, he added.
Vijayan said no one should spread false reports and priority should be given to strengthen peace efforts in the area.
The chief minister said the murder of Biju should be seen as an isolated incident which should not come in the way of the peace process and sought the cooperation of all parties concerned.