The popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as found in a survey after the parliamentary elections, declined by over 50 per cent, while Congress leader Rahul Gandhi bettered his position by 22 per cent and is now close to the Prime Minister, whose popularity stands at 49 per cent

The latest Mood of the Nation (MOTN) poll by India Today offers a revealing glimpse into the current political sentiment in India following the general election results announced on June 4, 2024.

Despite the BJP maintaining its leadership within the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, the party has suffered a significant setback, now holding only a minority in the Lok Sabha.

The Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) survey, conducted by C-Voter, involved 136,463 respondents. Out of these, 40,591 individuals were interviewed between July 15 and August 10, 2024, while 95,872 participants were surveyed over the preceding 24 weeks. The poll results reflect shifting opinions on key political figures and issues in the country.

The poll also explored public perceptions of the BJP government's use of enforcement agencies like the Enforcement Directorate (ED), the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), and the Income Tax Department.

A substantial 46% of respondents believe that the BJP government misuses these agencies more than previous governments, a slight increase from 43% in the previous year. Only 38% believe that all governments are guilty of such misuse, indicating a growing concern over the current administration’s handling of these institutions.

Economic issues remain at the forefront of public discontent. Unemployment is perceived as the most significant failure of the current regime, with many expressing scepticism over government claims regarding employment figures. Additionally, concerns about inflation and household expenses persist despite official reports of inflation being under control.

The MOTN poll also reveals a growing perception that the government’s economic policies favour large businesses. This view has gained traction, with 58% of respondents now holding this belief, up from 52% in the February 2024 poll.

Rahul Gandhi's role as Leader of the Opposition has also gained greater approval. Over half of those surveyed (51%) rate his performance as either outstanding or good, with 24% considering it outstanding. His aggressive stance during the Budget session, which saw the BJP and its leaders on the defensive, has contributed to his rising stature.
