Panaji: Chandrakant Kavlekar, (DCM) Deputy Chief Minister of Goa, has been allegedly accused by Goa Forward Party's Women's Wing, for sharing a pornographic video on a WhatsApp group comprising women.
The sexually explicit clip under question was forwarded from the minister's phone late this Monday night. When confronted about the matter, the minister asserted suspicions of his mobile phone being hacked or tampered with and he said that this is a move to taint his reputation and has disowned having any part in it.
The Women's Wing has urged filing an FIR against Kavelkar at the Women's Police Station, as the WhatsApp group named "Villages of Goa" received the pornographic clip from the minister's mobile phone late at night.
Meanwhile, the deputy CM has also filed a case at Goa Cyber Cell in accordance with the same, blaming it on the 'miscreants' in a defensive attempt to declare his innocence.
The deputy chief minister advocates that he was asleep at the time when the incident supposedly seemed to have occurred and is unaware of the accusation that has been raised against him. Meanwhile, the Women's Wing of the Goa Forward Party is steadfast in their claims as they have asked for an FIR filing for violation of the Information Technology Act, for disrespecting their virtue by sharing videos with obscenities on WhatsApp.