New Delhi: The BJP has called West Bengal a 'safe asylum for Islamic terrorists' after the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday arrested "Al-Qaeda conspirator" from the state, who was allegedly generating funds and recruiting people for the banned terror outfit.
"West Bengal has become a safe asylum for Islamic terrorists. Many terror organisations have established their networks in Bengal.",said BJP's national secretary and Bengal co-incharge Arvind Menon.
Menon further alleged that Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's 'appeasement politics' has created a 'threat' not only for West Bengal, but the whole of India.
BJP general secretary and Bengal in-charge Kailash Vijayvargiya also echoed the same sentiments alleging that Mamata government has adopted polarising and appeasement policies which harms the society and creating problems for all of India
Earlier, an NIA spokesperson said that the arrested individual has been identified as Abdul Momin Mondal,32, a resident of Murshidabad district. He was a teacher in Raipur Darur Huda Islamia Madrassa in Murshidabad.
According to NIA he was found to be involved in a "series of conspiratorial meetings convened by the members of the Al-Qaeda module".
He was also trying to recruit new members for the group and was raising funds for furthering its terrorist activities, the NIA spokesperson said. His house was searched and digital devices were seized, he said.
On September 11, a case was registered pertaining to anti-national activities by a group of 10 Jihadi terrorists inspired by globally proscribed terrorist organisation al-Qaeda, the NIA spokesperson said.
The group was planning to carry out anti-national and terrorist activities at different locations in India,he added
So far, 11 accused have been arrested in connection with the case. Mondal was produced before the district court in Murshidabad which granted his transit remand for transporting him to New Delhi.
Further probe into the case is underway, the spokesperson added.