Pfizer to provide Covid-19 vaccine in 2020

Pharma giant Pfizer expressed immense optimism in providing COVID-19 vaccine in 2020. It could supply 40 million doses in the US this year itself if clinical testing proceeds and the vaccine is approved, said Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla. "The company could deliver 100 million doses of the vaccine by March 2021," he added.

He also said that the company had not yet reached the benchmark in assessing the vaccine efficacy.

Pfizer earlier said it would release information on COVID-19 vaccine in October. The company further said it would seek final approval for the vaccine by the third week of November.

Early reports say that Pfizer is developing multiple vaccines against Covid. Pfizer is collaborating with the German company Bioentech for developing the vaccine. In initial trials, the vaccine was successful in producing antibodies and enhancing immunity.
