New Delhi: Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, suggested on Thursday that Muslims must hand over Sambhal Masjid to Hindus. He also asked Muslims to “accept their mistakes” over the alleged demolition of the Hari Har temple, which was claimed to be there at the site of Shahi Jama Masjid in Sambhal, The Wire reported.
He also said that Muslims must stop “putting unnecessary obstacles in the path of the symbols of Sanatan Dharma”. He claimed that it would bring a new wave of communal harmony in the country.
Adityanath said that if there is evidence that Hari Har temple, if there is scriptural evidence of faith and if the Archeological Survey of India finds evidence there, then Muslims must hand Sambhal Masjid to Hindus without the need for intervention of the court.
“…followers of Islam should tell the followers of Sanatan Dharma in the most respectful manner that, ‘this is yours, you take care of your belonging and felicitate and welcome the 10th avatar of Shri Hari Vishnu with great splendour,” the CM was quoted.
This is when the Supreme Court stayed the execution of a ‘notice’ issued by the Sambhal municipal authorities regarding the start of worship and holy bath in a well located near the Shahi Jama Masjid.
Further, he said that Muslims who believe in India’s Sanatan tradition are welcome to participate in the 2025 Prayagraj Mahakumbh. The CM’s statement comes while controversy is already brewing as saints of Akhara Parishad demand a complete ban on Muslims in the Kumbh area, The Free Press Journal (TFJP) reported.“Any Muslim who acknowledges the Sanatan tradition and feels their identity is associated with Indian culture is welcome here,” Adityanath TFPJ quoted.