Mangaluru Airport.

Manglore Airport, City to be rechristened to 'Mangaluru': AAI

Mangalore/Karnataka: Through an official aeronautical information publication (AIP) supplement, the Airport Authority of India (AAI) informed the renaming of the city and airport of Mangalore to Mangaluru. The change will be effective from December 1, PTI reported.

The purpose of the AIP was to officially inform all stakeholders regarding the name change for Mangalore Airport and Mangalore city in AIS (Aeronautical Information Services) products, the supplement said.

It continued that the name of the city 'Mangalore' has been changed to 'Mangaluru' and the 'Mangalore' Airport to 'Mangaluru International Airport, Mangaluru'.

As per AAI, the AIP is the basic aviation document intended primarily to satisfy international requirements for the exchange of permanent aeronautical information and long-duration temporary changes essential for air navigation.

In October 2020, AAI handed over the Mangaluru Airport to Adani Group to operate, manage and develop for 50 years, PTI added.
