Lucknow: In a horrific crime on the first day of the year, a 24-year-old man was arrested for allegedly murdering his mother and four sisters at a hotel in Lucknow. The gruesome killings took place at Hotel Sharanjeet in the Naka area, with the accused, identified as Arshad, detained by police shortly after the bodies were discovered.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Raveena Tyagi confirmed the discovery of five bodies in one of the hotel's rooms. The victims were identified as Arshad’s mother, Asma, and his four sisters: Alia (9), Alshia (19), Aksa (16), and Rahmeen (18). Hotel authorities alerted the police after finding the bodies early on Wednesday.
Arshad, a resident of Agra, allegedly killed his family members due to domestic disputes. Police have revealed that he confessed to the crime during questioning, stating that frustration stemming from family issues led him to commit the murders. He reportedly first killed his mother and then his four sisters, likely while they were asleep. The weapon used in the crime is believed to have been a blade.
Despite the violent nature of the killings, hotel occupants reported that they did not hear anything unusual, adding to the shock of the incident. Forensic teams were immediately deployed to the scene to collect evidence, and the bodies were sent for post-mortem examination.
The crime scene has been sealed, and a detailed investigation is underway. Senior police officers have visited the site, and authorities are working to uncover more details regarding the motive behind the murders.
The tragedy has shocked the local community, and authorities are continuing to probe the full circumstances surrounding this brutal act of violence.
With PTI inputs