Vallabhbhai Kathiriya, Chairman, Rashtriya Kamadhenu Commission, introduced a special chip made of cow dung to avert radiation from mobile handsets. The Kamadhenu Commission Chairman claims that the chip called "Gosatva Kavach" has been scientifically proven to withstand radiation. He unveiled the 'Gosatva Kavach' at a press conference in Delhi as part of the 'Kamadhenu Diwali Abhiyan' campaign to promote dung products. The dung chip is resistant to radiation from mobile phones. Kathiriya also said that the dung should be used in digital devices to ward off diseases caused by radiation. The Gosatva Kavach chips were developed by Sreeji Goshala at Rajkot.
"Dung is our safeguard. It can resist the radiation. This has been scientifically proven. Keeping dung products at home will protect people from radiation," he said.
Kathiriya also demanded that lamps from China should not be used in homes for Diwali.
He said that dung lamps and indigenous products should be used instead, which would further strengthen the Make in India idea.
The Rashtriya Kamadhenu Commission is an institution under the Central Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department. The Rashtriya Kamadhenu Commission was formed in 2019 for the protection, safety and development of cows.