Fatehpur: Accusing a Dalit man of converting to Christianity, Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad activists shaved his head and paraded him around a village in Uttar Pradesh’s Fatehpur. The Hindutva activists allegedly forced him to chant “Jai Shri Ram”, The Free Press Journal (TFPJ) reported.
The assaulters also accused the man of coercing others to convert.
A video related to the incident appeared on social media, which showed the man being paraded around the village. A saffron scarf can be seen around his neck, and the crowd accompanying him could be heard chanting religious slogans.
यूपी के जिला फतेहपुर में बजरंगदल कार्यकर्ताओं ने दलित युवक शिव को सिर मुंडाकर गांव में घुमाया। हनुमान मंदिर ले जाकर जय श्रीराम के नारे लगवाए।
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) December 28, 2024
बजरंगदल का आरोप है कि ये शख्स हिन्दुओं को ईसाई धर्म में कनवर्टेड करवा रहा था। इसलिए सबसे पहले इसी की सनातन धर्म में वापसी कराई गई। pic.twitter.com/wzRHbmEYuJ
The man was taken to a temple where he was allegedly made to return to Hinduism by performing a puja, TFPJ reported.
Meanwhile, local police said that a formal complaint has yet to be filed, and once that is done, the criminals behind the alleged harassment will face action.
As per reports, it was the villagers who informed the Hindutva extremist groups, Bajrang Dal and VHP, about the Dalit youth’s conversion. After that, activists from both RSS-affiliated organisations reached the village and tried to stop the conversion.
TFPJ reported that the man protested this, and the mob shaved his head while two of them forcibly held and paraded him through the village while a crowd accompanied them.