The Principal City Civil and Sessions Court in Bengaluru has granted bail to Sharad Bhausaheb Kalaskar, the last accused in custody in the murder case of journalist Gauri Lankesh, who was known for her critical stance against right-wing ideologies, with Judge Muralidhara Pai B. imposing stringent conditions, including a personal bond.
Gauri Lankesh was assassinated outside her Bengaluru home in September 2017. The case, marked by extensive evidence and numerous witnesses, has attracted nationwide attention due to allegations linking the accused to a covert organisation aiming to establish a “Hindu Rashtra.”
Kalaskar, in custody since September 2018, filed a petition under Section 439 of the Criminal Procedure Code, seeking regular bail. His defence argued that his prolonged detention was unjustified, especially since 16 of the 18 co-accused had already been granted bail. The prosecution, however, claimed that Kalaskar had been involved in training other accused individuals in arms handling and bomb preparation.
In its observations, the court noted that Kalaskar’s role did not directly link him to the act of murder and highlighted the principle of parity, considering the release of the majority of the co-accused. It also emphasised the constitutional right to a speedy trial, pointing out that prolonged pretrial detention undermines the fairness of justice. The court dismissed concerns about potential threats to witnesses, noting that their identities had been concealed and a substantial number of testimonies had been recorded.
The court acknowledged the extended period of incarceration faced by the accused and underscored the importance of a fair and speedy trial. It also noted the complexities surrounding the case, including a key witness turning hostile and allegations of forced confessions by the police. The investigation into Lankesh’s murder has been linked to the killings of rationalists M.M. Kalburgi and Narendra Dabholkar, suggesting the involvement of an organised crime syndicate.
Kalaskar’s bail comes with several conditions, including the submission of a personal bond of Rs 2,00,000 and two sureties of the same amount. He is required to appear in court on all hearing dates unless exempted for valid reasons, and is prohibited from threatening or tampering with witnesses, engaging in similar offences, and leaving the court’s jurisdiction without prior permission.
He must also provide his residential details, mobile number, and email ID to the court. Any violation of these conditions will result in the cancellation of bail.