New Delhi: In a significant development on Friday, the Delhi High Court issued notice to Congress leader P. Chidambaram, his son Karti Chidambaram, and other accused in the Aircel-Maxis case on a plea by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), challenging a trial court's order directing the agency to supply un-relied upon documents to the accused.
Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma granted the Chidambarams and others one week to file their replies, setting the plea for further hearing on January 11, 2024.
The CBI argued that the trial court made an error by directing the agency to provide all un-relied upon documents to the accused, stating that it could hamper further investigation.
The case involves alleged irregularities in the grant of Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) approval to the Aircel-Maxis deal in 2006 when P. Chidambaram was Union Finance Minister.
The CBI and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) allege that Chidambaram, in his capacity as Finance Minister, granted approval beyond his authority, benefiting specific individuals and receiving kickbacks.
The CBI contends that the trial court's directive to supply all un-relied upon documents is not in accordance with Section 173(5) of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC). It expressed concerns that such a broad direction could impede the ongoing investigation.
While the accused have the right to a fair trial, the CBI stressed the high level of corruption involved in the case, asserting that the collective interest of society should not be compromised.
The Aircel-Maxis deal, where Malaysian communications service provider Maxis Berhad acquired a 74 per cent stake in Aircel, had come under scrutiny in 2011.
Allegations include undue pressure on businessman C Sivasankaran to sell his stake to Maxis.
BJP leader Subramanian Swamy has further alleged that Karti Chidambaram's company received a 5 per cent stake in Aircel in 2006 in exchange for facilitating the Maxis deal.
IANS with edits