Paladhi village in Maharashtra's Jalgaon district witnessed the imposition of a 24-hour curfew early Wednesday after a clash between two communities escalated into incidents of arson and vandalism. The unrest, which began late Tuesday night, involved a confrontation reportedly triggered by a road rage incident, according to The Indian Express.
The situation turned volatile around 9:30 pm on Tuesday when groups clashed, leading to the torching of shops and damage to vehicles in the area. Authorities promptly intervened to contain the violence, with reports indicating minor injuries sustained by some individuals during the skirmishes.
The district administration enforced the curfew at 3 am on Wednesday as a preventive measure to restore order in the village. By Wednesday morning, officials reported that the situation was under control, with no further untoward incidents occurring.
In response to the clashes, the local administration announced plans to convene a peace committee meeting on Wednesday afternoon to address and resolve underlying disputes between the two groups. The focus remains on maintaining harmony and preventing any recurrence of violence.