New Delhi: The CPI-M has decided to maintain a distance from 'both the BJP and the Trinamool' in Bengal, while in Kerala the Congress will continue as its rival, according to NDTV.
The largest of the communist parties in India has only a trifling presence on electoral front and is reduced to two states while ruling one of them.
CPI-M’s decision to walk away from political ties in Kerala and Bengal shows how fault lines within INDIA alliance could undermine a front against the BJP.
The party alongside will not name any representative for INDIA alliance’s coordination meetings.
A politburo meeting held in Delhi over the weekend has decided not to form any electoral ties with Trinamool and the Congress in respective two states.
The strategy of the party, according to the report, is to stop division of Opposition votes.
The CPM did not show up when the INDIA coordination committee met last week, leaving a glaring vacancy in the 14-member panel.
Mamata Banerjee will certainly welcome the CPM’s decision as she previously expressed discomfort in campaigning with Left leaders.
A statement by the party reportedly said that the ‘Polit Bureau decided to work for the further consolidation and expansion of INDIA bloc’.
It further added that ‘This requires that the BJP must be kept away from controlling the union government and state power. The Polit Bureau decided to further strengthen these efforts.’
The CPM is said to be having differences about INDIA bloc getting a ‘ orgnisational structures’ .
‘While all decisions will be taken by the leaders of the constituents, there should be no organisational structures that will be an impediment for such decisions,’ the statement reportedly said.