As per the Union Health Ministry's report on Sunday morning, India has recorded 22,842 fresh Covid cases and 25,930 recoveries in the last 24 hours. 244 died of Covid in the same period, taking the death toll thus far to 4,48,817.
India's recovery rate stands at 97.87 per cent, with a total of 3,30,94,529 patients having recovered from Covid-19. The active caseload presently is at 2,70,557, the lowest in 199 days, and constitute 0.80 of total positive cases in the country.
Furthermore, 12,65,734 Covid tests were conducted in the last 24 hours. The weekly positivity rate stands at 1.66 per cent. The rate has been consistently below three per cent for the last 100 days now. The daily positivity rate stands at 1.80 per cent.
73,76,846 vaccine doses were administered in the last 24 hours, taking India's total vaccination coverage to over 90 cr.