At the Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology (RIET), eight people, including a girl, were detained after a NEET question paper was leaked on Sunday.
There are rumours that the question paper was leaked after an accused took a picture of it with his cell phone and sent it to two other individuals in Sikar.
According to reports, the three-hour-long paper began at 2 p.m. and the question paper was leaked via WhatsApp at 2.30 p.m. A coaching centre run by Navratna Swamy in Bansur is believed to be responsible for leaking the documents.
Ram Singh, one of the accused and an acquaintance of Navratna said that his niece Dhaneshwari, whose NEET centre was RIET, was used by Anil Yadav, a co-accused who ran E-Mitra to leak the paper.
The paper was photographed by Dhaneshwari and sent to Pankaj Yadav through Ram Singh and college administrator Mukesh Samota for a fee of 35 lakh. Pankaj sent it to Sunil Rinwan and Dinesh Beniwal in Sikar and got it solved by a teacher. He then handed over the answer sheet to Ram Singh and Mukesh Samota. Samota sent the answer paper back to Dhaneshwari.
In the meantime, the paper got leaked in Jaipur and Sikar too. While police seized the question paper and answer sheet from Dhaneshwari, a team has left for Sikar to nab Sunil and Dinesh.
Dhaneshwari is placed in judicial custody while the other seven were taken into the 8 people were arrested for leaking NEET papers for a total of 35 lakh.police station.