Honey wonders

Pure and naturally sweet, made by the bees from flowers, honey, apart from its myriad floral tastes, is a powerhouse of countless health benefits.

The versatility of honey and the goodness it can bring into your everyday practical life is simply awesome. From fighting dandruff and drunkenness to treating coughs and cuts, honey not only stimulate your taste buds and whet your appetite but its unique taste and aroma has also sprung off many time honor cooking ideas and recipes.

Honey has an unusual chemical composition which makes it keep indefinitely without spoiling. It is uniquely low in moisture and extremely acidic, making it a forbidding environment for bacteria and microorganisms. On top of that, bees add an enzyme, glucose oxidase, to it that creates hydrogen peroxide as a byproduct. According to scientists, honey is hygroscopic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and has remarkable debriding action.

The ancient Egyptians used honey regularly to treat skin and eye problems; as did the Greeks, Romans, and a number of other cultures.  It is known to boost up memory, prevents low white blood cell count, provides the essential nutrients and may even relieve seasonal allergies. Honey is known for its weight loss properties and provides nourishment to skin. It is an excellent moisturiser.

Honey can kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria and can resolve scalp problems including dandruff. Applying honey diluted with 10 percent warm water to the problem areas and leaving on for three hours can completely heal itching, scaling and hair loss. Honey even makes a great workout fuel. Adding honey to your bottle of water boosts up energy during workout. At 17 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon, honey makes an excellent source of all-natural energy that is superior to other conventional sources.

All of that said, there are two important things to remember about honey. Numerous health benefits don’t mean that honey is not caloric. One tablespoon yields 64 calories. It is crucial to remember that honey is not appropriate for children younger than 12 months because it can contain the bacteria that cause infant botulism.