Stranger Things scene becomes Halloween installation, Wins the internet

Halloween season hasn't started yet but people cannot wait to start celebrating. A scene from the popular Netflix show Stranger Things has made it to a lawn installation that is winning hearts.

In the Stranger Things trailer, one of the main characters Max is seen suspended in the air when she is possessed by villain Vecna in the upside down. Her friends sit beside her mortal form and play songs to bring her back to their world. In the show, Max is saved by the hit 1980s song Running up that Hill.

The same scene has been installed on the front lawn of a couple Dave and Aubrey, professional horror prop creators.

The impressive creation was first shared on TikTok and then Twitter. Many users want to know how the installation was executed hinting at an interest in copying it. The curiosity is mostly derived from the fact that no one seems to be able to figure out how the Max model is suspended. There is no visible ground support.

Since the first episode premiered in 2016, Stranger Things have become popular among horror fans for its eerie vibe and impressive visuals. If the success of the fourth season is any indication, there will be a lot of looks dedicated to Upside Down this Halloween season.
